Welcome to Kajiado County Natural Resources Network Website

Kajiado County Natural Resources Network Objectives


Objectives of the

  • Objective I

    To create a platform on which the NETWORK member organisations can conduct joint Advocacy and Lobbying on Environment and Natural Resources matters with the Government and other agencies in Kajiado County.

  • Objective II

    To capacity build and maximise the NETWORK member organisations of the dynamics and challenges of Environment and Natural Resources in Kajiado County.

  • Objective III

    To participate in the development and implementation of policies on Environment and Natural resources at all levels of government

  • Objective IV

    To rehabilitate, restore and sustain the utilisation and management of rangeland within the county for the betterment of the people's livelihood.

  • Objective V

    To promote Natural Resources management as a significant contributor to the County economy.

  • Objective VI

    To advocate for a clean and safe environment in the County

  • Objective VII

    Affiliate to national and international networks to advance the objectives of the NETWORK on cross-cutting issues not limited to cultural promotion, gender mainstreaming, youth empowerment livestock development and threats to biodiversity.

  • Objective VIII

    To enhance the capacity of the Network on NRM issues.

  • Objective IX

    To enhance research on natural resources, climate change, disaster risk management and trends


A healthy sustainable and well managed conservation and utilization of Natural resources for Socio-economic development for the people of Kajiado


Kajiado County Natural Resources Network
WWF Kenya
Loitokitok Offices, Kajiado County.

Copyright 2023 by Kajiado County All Right Reserved.

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