Welcome to Kajiado County Natural Resources Network Website

Kajiado County Natural Resources Network Principles

 Principles are guiding standards that serve as the foundation for KCNRN. This includes but is not limited to the following;

  • (a) Voluntary and open membership

    KCNRN shall always be guided by voluntary and open membership in its membership recruitment drive without political, ethnic, religious, gender, or social discrimination.

  • (b) Democratic member control

    The society shall be fully controlled by members who will have equal voting rights based on one member, one vote.

  • (c) Autonomy and independence

    KCNRN shall operate on mutually acceptable terms with its stakeholders, who will ensure its autonomy and independence.

  • (d) Education, training, and information

    KCNRN shall foster reciprocal, ongoing education programs for members, leaders, staff, and the community so that they can teach and learn from each other or the appropriate resource persons in understanding and carrying out their respective roles.

  • (e) Co-operation among KCNRN Members

    To better serve the interests of the members and the community, KCNRN shall actively cooperate with other Organizations locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally.

  • (f) Concern for the community in General

    KCNRN shall show concern for the community in which it exists and operates.


A healthy sustainable and well managed conservation and utilization of Natural resources for Socio-economic development for the people of Kajiado


Kajiado County Natural Resources Network
WWF Kenya
Loitokitok Offices, Kajiado County.

Copyright 2023 by Kajiado County All Right Reserved.

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